
Evan Pratt
Washtenaw Water Resources Commissioner, Incumbent
Janis Bobrin
Washtenaw Water Resources Commissioner, (1989-2012)
Jerry Clayton
Washtenaw County Sheriff
Christopher Taylor
Ann Arbor Mayor
Diane O’Connell
Ann Arbor Township Supervisor
Karen Sikkenga
Dexter Township Supervisor
Ken Schwartz
Superior Township Supervisor
Jeff Irwin
Michigan State Senator
Felicia Brabec
Michigan State Representative
Jennifer Conlin
Michigan State Representative
Jason Maciejewski
Washtenaw County Commissioner
Patricia Vailliencourt
Manchester Mayor
Patricia Tupacz Scribner
Pittsfield Township Treasurer
Brenda Stumbo
Ypsilanti Township Supervisor


Open Letter from Evan Pratt,
Washtenaw County Water Resources Commissioner
After 12 years serving as Washtenaw County’s Water Resources Commissioner, I’m announcing that I will not run for re-election this fall. I am endorsing Gretchen Driskell.
Gretchen has experience in both the public and private sector, as Mayor of Saline, a state legislator, Dexter Township Trustee,as well as leadership in several relevant municipal professional organizations. She has a long record of fiscal responsibility and engagement on issues of land use and stormwater management. Gretchen’s experience includes a degree from the Ford School of Public Policy at University of Michigan.
I’m privileged to have served with a high-performing team in this role at such a critical time and appreciate all the positive feedback from the community about individual team member performance over the years. With increasingly intense and frequent storm events, our focus has been to build additional flood storage facilities in key locations, strengthen downstream protection measures for new development and improve water quality by dramatically expanding the use of green infrastructure throughout the County. With the continuing impacts of climate change on extreme weather, these challenges will grow even more acute. A leader with both vision and experience is needed as Water Resources Commissioner.
These 12 years have been fulfilling in terms of strengthening water quality in our rivers and lakes, building coalitions with Washtenaw County communities to improve resilience and efficiency of our utilities, and partnering statewide to improve regulatory processes and legislation. I have especially appreciated the concern and commitment from so many partners, for our environment as well as infrastructure investments and protection policy into the future.
When my term is up at the end of December, 2024, I look forward to travel with family, helping my three children navigate the world, pitching in with the dogs and clearing out the invasives in favor of more pollinator habitat on my property.
I’m asking voters to support Gretchen Driskell as the next leader of the award-winning Water Resources team as they continue to manage these and other priorities, including efficient and pro-active infrastructure asset management, interagency collaboration, agricultural drainage, and efforts to draw public and private funding to lighten the burden locally.
I was fortunate to take the mantle from Janis Bobrin who served in this role for 24 years modernizing the role of a Drain Office/Water Resources Office in urban stormwater management. In addition to my endorsement, Gretchen also has Janis’ endorsement. We’re both confident that Gretchen will carry forward our efforts to provide sound infrastructure and leadership in protecting Washtenaw's waterways.